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Homalomena rubra Hassk.

Commonly sold as 'Emerald Gem'


 Homalomena rubra Hassk.
Commonly sold as 'Emerald Gem'

According to botanist Pete Boyce, this species is Homalomena rubra and is endemic to the island of Java.  The species was published to science In 1842.   If you're interested in a plant with a wide range of opinions about care, Homalomena rubra, (or Emerald Gem') is your plant!  I've found sources that claim Homalomena sp. grow best under very low room light.  Others claim it wants very bright, almost direct sunlight.  Some say to water it only rarely, others say water it often. 

So I elected to turn to some plant scientists in Florida for reliable information.  These folks grow the plant as a tissue culture (clone) in to make it readily available to the plant enthusiast.  Those growers recommend conditions similar to many orchids: bright filtered light between 75% and 80% along with a normal room temperature.  In zone 10 the plant will survive outdoors in temperatures as low as 55 degrees and high as 95 degrees.   An aroid, Homalomena species are found in nature in both South America and Tropical Asia.  Unfortunately this one does not produce a really beautiful inflorescence with a spathe (some incorrectly call it a flower) like many of it's relatives.  Homalomena rubra species is grown primarily for it's heart shaped leaves.  The plant does however produce a small unremarkable green inflorescence. 

Homalomena rubra is an aroid with approximately 4 inch (10cm) leaves when young that can spread 18" to 30" (45cm to 75cm) and will rarely grow as wide as three feet.   If you're growing the plant in your home it makes a beautiful interior plant with its dark green waxy leaves and compact growing habit.  Homalomena sp. will in fact tolerate low light but don't expect it to flourish.  Humidity is said to not be critical, but being found in nature in humid tropical conditions it will certainly appreciate high humidity as well. 

Homalomena species do not like cold air, and some say it does not even like cold water.  Protect it from drafty conditions.  It must have well drained soil and if its roots are not subjected to excess wetness (wet feet) the plant is tolerant of root rot and other disease.  This one is not propagated easily but will reproduce itself given good conditions. 

Plant Homalomena rubra in a good soil mixture with lots of peat and Perlite added to hold moisture and make it available to the roots while not remaining soggy.  We prefer to add a healthy helping of peat, Perlite™, and orchid bark to all our aroids to keep the soil very loose.  Water the plant several times each week, more often during summer if subjected to heat.  For best growth include a very dilute fertilizer, or as some growers say, fertilize "weakly weekly".