In depth information on how to grow Philodendron species, Click this Link Within our collection we have many species of Philodendron. If you are seeking other photos, click this link Philodendron mexicanum Engl.
Philodendron mexicanum
Synonym: Philodendron latisagittium Identified to science in 1878 by botanist Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler (1844 to 1930), Philodendron mexicanum is a tree climber normally found in Mexico's humid rain forests at elevations of approximately 1200 meters (3700 feet), Philodendron mexicanum is native to Mexico's Chiapas region, however, the aroid ranges from Mexico south through Central America including Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica and into Colombia and Ecuador. It can be found from near sea level to as high as 1900 meters (almost 6000 feet) in both rain forests and dry habitats, especially in west-central Mexico. With its "dog eared" narrowly triangular semi-glossy leaf blades, Philodendron mexicanum is said to often grow draped across humid rain forest rocks. Philodendron mexicanum has coriaceous (leathery) arrow shaped leaves with unequal basal lobes which makes the leaf almost appear to be three leaves due to the upper appendages. The leaves are magenta to maroon on the underside of the blades. When Philodendron mexicanum produces an inflorescence it produces a small green spathe appearing to be a hood with a ruby interior. That inflorescence is not a "flower". The true flowers are found along the spadix which is the center portion of the inflorescence. In Philodendron species the flowers are very tiny and require a magnifying tool to observe. Production of an inflorescence occurs in the mid-dry and early rainy season from February through May. Philodendron mexicanum has been observed to produce an inflorescence twice a year in captive growth. Philodendron mexicanum grows both as a terrestrial plant and as an epiphyte (ep-a-FIT) on the sides of trees. An epiphyte is simply a species that grows upon another plant. Experienced growers recommend not to over water this plant and plant it in very well draining loose soil with plenty of peat and Perlite™ added. We also throw in a healthy helping of orchid bark to give the roots something to attach themselves to and for additional drainage. The species is easy to grow and our specimen shown above has reached a total height of well over 2 meters in under two years. Philodendron species, especially hybrid forms, are known to be highly variable and not every leaf of every specimen will always appear the same. This link explains natural variation and morphogenesis within aroid species. Click here.
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