Impatiens psittacina
(page 2)
Nope, it's not a hoax! The Thailand Parrot flower is very rare
and very real!
Known on the Internet
The Rare Thailand Parrot Flower
Not an orchid species!
As of September 2009 not one botanical garden in
North America has this species on display!

This page contains photographs that did not circulate
with the Parrot Flower email.
Despite the scientific evidence, some still
believe Impatiens psittacina is a hoax!
If you really want to grow
this species in your yard look closely at the photo above
as well as the girls standing in the "weeds" below.
Although it has beautiful flowers this Impatiens species requires
tropical heat, high humidity, lots of rain
and is a 2 meter
(6 foot) high tropical weed!
The Parrot Flower does not resemble the small garden Impatiens plants you
grow in your yard!
Posted on this page are a few photos not easily found on the web. Some
belong to the Thai tour company Tourdoi and were sent to us in several
emails. Others apparently came from people who have seen the plant in the
wild. Since the accompanying text was written in Thai I had no ability
to understand the message but the intent of the photographs was obvious.
These photographs show the rare Impatiens psittacina, in nature.
Tourdoi is a popular SE Asian tour company serving primarily the Thai population.
The company operates tours in Thailand to see the natural exotic flowers of the
country. A check of internet records shows their website receives as many as
30,000 hits per week.
Some have claimed on various net discussion boards Tourdoi began
this "hoax" to sell tickets. It would seem unwise for an established
business to perpetuate such a hoax since the majority of their clients are people
who already live in Thailand.
If you would enjoy seeing this plant along with many other exotic Thai
flowers contact Tourdoi directly for tour information. The text on the
Tourdoi website is in Thai. Look for the
Parrot Flower photo on their "flower" page and follow the links. We have no
association with Tourdoi.
Impatiens psittacina blooms in October and November.
For General information:
email Tourdoi here:

When you get to this page:
You will see this photo:
The text next to that photo is in Thai. Translated, you will find the text
is a planting guide reprinted from the cover of a popular Thai plant
magazine. This is the translation:
ชื่ออื่นๆ : ไม่มี Known also under other name:
ชื่อวิทยาศาสตร์ : Impatiens psittacina Hk. f. Name of the flower: Impatiens
psittacina Hk. f.
ลักษณะ :
Appearance: the stem of the young plant is plump and approx. 0.5-1.5 cm. The
leave is green and broad, the base is a sharp pointed leaf. The rim of the
leaf should be in size 2-4 cm wide and 4-6 cm long. Appearance of the
blossom, red, purple, dark red, some pink. Set seedlings in a pot 2-3 cm to
encourage the plant to open and grow place them wider 5-6 cm. The main
blossoming time in between October and November. To mark the source
(probably root): Mark the spot in the ground where to place the seed, grows
to a height of 1.50 to 1.80 meters. The benefit of the the plant is its rare
beauty to admire. Transplant the flower up to 23 October
More photos further down this page.
If you believe you would like to grow this rare
impatiens in your yard you should know it grows to 2 meters in
height (6 feet) and looks like a bad weed! The species is not similar
to the impatiens you grow in your yard but is very tropical requiring high
heat and humidity.
Some apparently believe if you can't easily buy one on the internet it must
be a hoax! The excuse if something cannot easily be found for sale on
the net it must be a fake is a feeble excuse used by people too lazy to go
to the library or read a good scientific sourcebook. One individual along
with his followers on a large Canadian gardening website claimed this flower
is a hoax created by the Exotic Rainforest website. This individual also
attempted to imply the people of Arkansas were somehow of substandard
intelligence! Another claims you can buy Impatiens psittacina on any
of a dozen websites but the same poster refused to post one single source.
That thread can still be found on the internet.
This is only one of the writer's unedited multiple slanderous posts:
Posted By: (name removed)
Date: Monday, 9 October 2006, at 11:22 p.m.
"I have wasted two days on this stupid
"parrot flower" scam, and that is what it is!!!! Lucas has been on every
gardening forum I can find. He has even used the UBC Botanical Gardens forum
to give credibility to his bogus claims. He has even "Cut & Pasted" the
flower images into the 1901 botanical reports of "an" impatiens flower. The
bottom line, is that he is using the topic (and fermenting the exotic part
of it) to promote his own rare tropical plant sales site, i.e. Even though, in his own cited references, "it is
easily raised from seed". And, he even at his sales site refers to the plant
as "known on the Internet as the rare Thailand Parrot flower". Gee, I wonder
why it is referred to in that manner, might it have been his relentless
references as such on every BB. I can assure everyone right now, that if the
Thais thought there was anything to this, you could buy them at your corner
store very quickly! When one saw the Arkansas address, it should have been a
clue!!! Now, in case some of you are disappointed that you can't buy this
real or imagined plant, glasshouse works out of Ohio offers an impatiens
Niamniamensis African Queen which looks very similar, "like a cockatoo
hanging from a string" and, undoctored. Note: I am not recommending this
firm. The bottom line, in my opinion, this entire hoax, is outright Spam!"
The name "Rare Thailand Parrot Flower" accompanied many of the emails
forwarded around the internet early in 2006. We simply used
the name as it was stated in the email. I first received the email sometime
in March or April of 2006. This person also posted another note on the same
garden bulletin board implying Tourdoi may have created this "hoax" to get
people to take a fraudulent tour. Simply an opinion, but it does appear some
people are too blind to see the truth!
The Exotic Rainforest is not nor has it ever been a business. The
plants on the nearly 400 pages on this website are in a private botanical
collection and are not for sale.
The purpose of the Exotic Rainforest website is to provide botanically
accurate information on rare tropical plant species. Our
policy about selling plants is clearly posted at the very top of the first
page on this site. The Exotic Rainforest is a
privately owned botanical garden and nothing more. We
DO NOT sell plants but
anyone is welcome to visit the garden free of charge!
If you refuse to accept the scientific evidence this flower is real but like
Thai food ask the folks at your local Thai restaurant if they are from
Chiang Mai where the plant is naturally found. If they are then ask about the
Thailand Parrot Flower. We've found many Thai individuals know the flower
very well!
Despite the fact I say several times on this website we
don't have the Thailand Parrot flower in our collection some folks appear to
enjoy sending email asking us to sell them a Parrot Flower plant. Once
again, we
do not have this plant.
I gladly try to answer email questions but email
asking to purchase Impatiens psittacina will be ignored.
Steve Lucas
The Exotic Rainforest
The following photos were forwarded in emails from Thailand.
These did not circulate in the email you received
but were forwarded to us
privately as a result of the pages on this site.
Please note:
It is the camera angle that makes the flower appear
to be a flying bird.
Otherwise, it is just pretty flower.

If you enjoy growing tall weeds in your yard you'll love this tropical
