This plant is a hybrid and not a species. The name is not scientific but is instead a horticultural common name Sometimes described incorrectly as Alocasia x amazonica Originally created as a hybrid of Alocasia watsoniana Hort. x Alocasia sanderiana Hort. Alocasia watsoniana was originally published as Alocasia longiloba Miq. Alocasia watsoniana Hort. is a synonym ![]()
Incorrectly Alocasia x amazonica A hybrid of Alocasia longiloba Miq. (formerly known as the synonym A. watsoniana Hort.) x Alocasia sanderiana Hort. The abbreviation "Miq." indicates the plant was described by Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm (1811-1871)
Common Names: African Mask, Jewel Alocasia, Alocasia
Sometimes known commercially as
"Alocasia Polly" or correctly Alocasia Poly
Sometimes confused with
Alocasia micholitziana
Alocasia Frydek and Alocasia Maxkowskii are hybrids that have different parentage involving Alocasia micholitziana Alocasia Amazonica has the same parentage as Alocasia mortefontanensis André
Alocasia Amazonica is a hybrid member of
the scientific family Araceae popularly known to growers as aroids. Although at least one plant seller claims
the plant is
"Straight from the Rainforest to Your Home"
when offering Alocasia Amazonica
for sale (correctly pronounced alo-CAY-see-a)
this plant has never existed in the rain forests of the Amazon or South
America. It has never been observed naturally in any rain forest
in the world.
Aroid grower John Banta and aroid writer and expert Julius Boos in West Palm Beach, FL were able to trace the hybrid to postman and nursery owner Salvadore Mauro who during the 1950's owned a now defunct nursery in Miami, FL. The nursery was known as the "Amazon Nursery" and Mauro named Alocasia Amazonica after his own business. The name has since been applied for almost 60 years to this popular hybrid bred from Asian parents but others have "borrowed" the name for use on other hybrids or modified the name for commercial purposes.
The title holder to
some of the biggest
myths in the world of aroids, Alocasia Amazonica is not a species, does
not grow naturally in any native rain forest, is not from the Amazon and
the name should never be used in either the italicized form or with
single quotations since it is neither a published species nor a
registered cultivar.
![]() Do an internet search and you will find the National Botanic Garden of Belgium AlocasiaxAmazonica and other sources including Wikipedia and some university websites including the University of Connecticut either currently or have in the past indicated Alocasia x amazonica was described in a scientific paper by botanist Éduard François André (1840-1911). The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) formerly credited André until November 16, 2009 when they elected to update their webpage to indicate the name is horticultural and is not a legitimate scientific name: Alocasia x Amazonica USDA The University of Connecticut corrected their page to reflect the correct status of the plant on November 20, 2009. Sincethe name Alocasia Amazonica as well as the plant as it is grown today didn't come into existence until the 1950's, more than forty years after André's death, his deserving credit for the name would be highly unlikely.
André was a
contemporary of Jean Jules Linden (1817-1898) and was a co-author
of the popularly grown Anthurium
crystallinum Linden and André.
a note received from aroid botanist Alistair Hay on November 20, 2009 he
explains the name Alocasia x amazonica is used incorrectly and the use should
not continue.
"there is the problem of consistency: if botanical hybrid names are
used for some cultivated Alocasias how many more need to be created for
those interspecific hybrids for which they do not yet exist? So
let's not talk about Alocasia x amazonica."
Evidence provided by Geneviève Ferry who is associated with the Jardins Botaniques de Nancy in France makes it clear André's plant was never described as Alocasia x amazonica as is often reported. Instead André's hybrid was published in Revue Horticole in 1891. The plant was crossed by the brothers Chantrier who were gardeners at Mortefontaine and they used Alocasia lowii and Alocasia sanderiana as the parent plants. André published the plant using the name Alocasia mortefontanensis. Since Alocasia lowii is now correctly known as a natural variation of Alocasia longiloba (see photo below) the plant would technically have the same parents as the plant created in Miami. However, even though researchers have attempted to credit the plant to André he never referred to the hybrid as Alocasia x amazonica. André also named a plant from southeast Asia in honor of the brothers Chantrier which he published in 1901 as Tacca chantrieri André.
The earliest published use of the term Alocasia x Amazonica appeared on
page 326 of a Florida State Horticultural Society publication in 1953 in
an article entitled Cultivation of the Genus Alocasia in Florida
with only a brief
mention and little detail other than the hybrid parentage:
State Horticultural Society
Since that
publication is not a scientific journal the name would then have no
standing in science.
In communication with Rafaël Govaerts, a researcher with the Royal Botanic Garden Kew in London, he has elected to indicate the name Alocasia x amazonica Reark, Proc. Florida State Hort. Soc. 20: 326 (1953) is an invalid name (nom. inval.); Royal Botanic Garden Kew/Alocasia Amazonica while the only possible valid name in a scientific paper for the hybrid would be the unplaced (non-accepted) name Alocasia mortefontanensis. Alocasia morefontanensis As you will soon read in a note from botanist Alistair Hay the use of the term Alocasia x Amazonica is also invalid and should not be used.
sources incorrectly indicate Alocasia mortefontanensis may be the same
sold as
which according to the original growers of that hybrid is correctly Alocasia Poly.
Although sellers have elected to use the
wrong spelling according to Bill Rotolante and his
father Denis who
are the owners of the
nursery where this smaller variation of Alocasia Amazonica was discovered the
name "Poly" was chosen since
Part of the problem in
understanding Alocasia
species is they are extremely variable across any given range. A
species collected in Malaysia may not appear to be the same plant
id collected in Sumatra. Plants have been studied where only a single
specimen of its "type" can be located in a large area while others that
appear to be only somewhat similar are commonly growing around the
region. If studied scientifically all prove to be the same
species. A single plant that does not look exactly like its parent
group does not indicate a new species. Alocasia
species are so variable in the wild there is no way to compare them to
cultivated specimens. Growers and sellers are far too quick to
want to grant a new "name" to a plant based on a single cultivated
To better understand how plant species vary please read
this page which explains
Natural Variation. More on this subject can be found later in this article.
My thanks to Marek Argent for the use of his photo (left):
Aroid ID Center
There are over 100 species of Alocasia known to science and all are naturally found in the geographical region composed of Southeast Asia and neighboring island nations of the Pacific Ocean. No Alocasia species has ever been found naturally in Central America, the Caribbean, or South America including the Amazon basin although some species have been imported and now thrive in the area.
Many people have tried to argue the fact
on a multitude of garden websites but there has never been a species published to science named Alocasia Amazonica
which is correct.
The name Alocasia Amazonica is simply a made up name created by grower
Salvadore Mauro used
as a common name for a hybridized cultivated plant created in the
Here are three scientific data bases and you will not find the name Alocasia Amazonica on any as a species. The Royal Botanic Garden Kew, London: International Plant Names Index The Missouri Botanical Garden: Tropicos.org/ World Checklist of Selected Plant Families: Kew World Checklist
John Banta is considered a living "legendary" aroid grower respectfully known as "The Banta". If there is any
other living legendary figure in the International Aroid Society
www.Aroid.org other than John it would be
Julius to whom I often turn for clarification on complicated botany
related information! Below is the explanation of the origination
of Alocasia Amazonica as related by John Banta. For those unacquainted
with the names in John's information below these include Dr. Monroe Birdsey
who was a well known botanist as well as some of the original
founders of the IAS (www.Aroid.org),
All are now deceased.
The Myth and the Truth about
Alocasia Amazonica, by John Banta
"I guess that it is just another burden that old men must endure. We see facts known to us as true replaced by logical myths. Unfortunately, Monroe Birdsey, Bob See and Ralph Davis whom all knew Salvadore Mauro, a great plants man are all dead. I was fortunate enough to have visited Sam’s nursery with Monroe. The visit was a result of my questioning Monroe why in the world an Asiatic genus, Alocasia, was given the name, ‘Amazonica’? Monroe’s skill in teaching is illustrated by his response. He made a phone call and then insisted that I accompany him to a friend’s nursery. We drove out to near the Miami airport. Sam lived on about a quarter acre lot just off 36th Street. Behind his small house was a large (about 20 x 30 foot cement block enclosure roofed over with snow fencing. ( for those of you who have never lived in snow country; snow fencing is about 4 feet tall and composed of 1 inch wide wooden slats woven together with 14 gauge galvanized wire leaving about a 1 inch gap between the slats.) His growing area was magical, the cement blocks were covered with algae, moss and ferns and the benches crowded with beautifully grown foliage plants such as Homalomena wallisi ‘Mauro’ that he introduced in the 1950's. Sam was killed in an automobile accident while at work as a postman on one of the three wheeled motor bikes used back in those days. Well, back to our story. As we approached a bench of Alocasia I asked Sam how Alocasia Amazonica got it’s name. He answered ,” I guess it could have been named for a nursery!” ![]()
John later wrote:
"André did in fact mention in 1891 in Review Horticole an Alocasia
hybrid between A, sanderiana and A. lowii. Those parents were
later ascribed to A. Amazonica in error. The Alocasia described by
André is correctly named mortefontanensis. In as much
as Sam made Alocasia Amazonica using A, sanderiana x A. watsoniana. It
is not the plant mentioned by André. If anyone
wants to argue the point further let them remake Alocasia Amazonica as I
did. Both species are still available."
The "Sam" John refers to is
Salvadore Mauro.
John's last note would also
make one query why anyone in Europe in 1891 would use the name
"amazonica' for a plant bred from parents known to be of Asian origin?
It would at least appear some individual doing research at a later date
elected to credit André's described
hybrid as having been the plant known today as Alocasia Amazonica.
watsoniana has also been correctly determined by one of the world's top
botanists Alistair Hay to be simply a natural variation of
Alocasia longiloba even
though it does not look precisely like A. longiloba
or A. lowii.
Since André in Review
wrote about an Alocasia hybrid between Alocasia sanderiana
and Alocasia lowii (which is is now correctly Alocasia
longiloba) and those parents are effectively the same as those of Alocasia
Amazonica it would appears André's
plant referred to as Alocasia mortefontanensis has the same parentage.
It also appears some unidentified researcher elected to declare André's Alocasia mortefontanensis to be Alocasia x amazonica due to the popularity of the hybrid plant with growers when in fact it should still be called Alocasia mortefontanensis, at least in the scientific form.. ![]() Since the hybrid was never published or registered by Salvadore Mauro the field is somewhat open to anyone wishing to give the plant a "new" name in an attempt to convince growers they should buy another specimen. As a result you'll find many discussions on plant forums where people wrangle over which "species" any particular specimen might have actually been. Commercial growers anxious to sell even more plants often come up with "new names" including "Alocasia Alligator" and often advertise the plant as a "new species" which is simply incorrect. Regardless of any of the "new" names the plant is not a "new" species but only a hybrid. Be very wary of the "made-up" and often bad information found on the internet regarding the growth of this plant. Although you can find information on more than a dozen websites declaring Alocasia Amazonica a "species" it simply does not exist in science and is instead a hybrid created by human hands. Even though you can sometimes find the name listed as Alocasia 'Amazonica', to use single quotes indicates the plant is a registered cultivar. It is now popular method for home and nursery growers to do when then believe they've discovered something "new" to simply make up a name and put it in single quotes in order to make such a claim the plant must be properly registered with the International Aroid Society. The IAS has been designated as the official registrar for all aroid hybrids and cultivars. Since the International Aroid Society controls the cultivar registry all one needs to do to learn about a registered cultivar is visit the IAS website http://www.aroid.org/cultivars/ Just type in the name and you'll find no such registration exists.
Although it has been established the
parents used by Salvadore Mauro are in fact Alocasia sanderiana
X watsoniana
other sources claim this hybrid
was created by crossing
Alocasia watsoniana x Alocasia nobilis.
Alocasia nobilis itself has
endured some scrutiny from botanists since the name was published twice,
one of which has been proven to be only a horticultural name and not a
It is probable different hybrids have been created by hybridized using
different sets of parents since some have a velvet
appearance with a vein structure or silvery background color that
Alocasia micholitziana as
a parent. Little record can be found of Alocasia Amazonica being
capable of sexual reproduction since hybrids are commonly sterile and cannot
sexually reproduce. Regardless, since Mauro coined the name the
parents he used would be the only ones to qualify for the name he
Tissue culture is simply cloning. As a result, this is a very confusing group of both species and hybrid plants. I even found the specimen being sold as Alocasia Maxkowskii. I have no idea where that name originated but it is likely the invention of another tissue culture company who felt they had to have some name they could claim for promotional purposes. Besides, it sounds like a botanical name, even though it is not.
Many growers run to a nursery
to buy a "new species" whenever they see a form of "Alocasia Amazonica"
with a longer or broader leaf blade. Although the "new" plant may
be more attractive the shape has nothing to do with "species".
Hybrid plants are well known to produce many variations of shape, size
and color.
Aroids (members of the larger plant family Araceae) are simply variable
and naturally grow with many new shapes and colorations. These
variations can often be observed on the same plant and you should be
aware all the photos of the leaf blades of Alocasia Amazonica were
growing on the same specimen despite the fact their shapes and colors
appear different!
Alocasia Amazonica is often confused
with Alocasia micholitziana (mik-oh-LIT-zee-ay-nuh)
which is a true species sometimes sold commercially with the trade name
Alocasia Frydek.
"Frydek" appears to be a name given to the plant by a plant tissue
culture company who wanted a unique trade name since the plant is
commonly cloned and sold in numerous nurseries and discount stores.
![]() Hybridized plants are commonly sterile so these hybrids may never reproduce through natural pollination. Since they are very popular and easily sold the growers hire genetic labs to create them in test tubes through a process known as tissue culture which is cloning. Even though pollination is unlikely the plant often reproduces by division when a new plant simply grows from the base of a mature specimen. If you are interested in learning how aroid species reproduce in nature please read this link on natural pollination. You cannot fail to water Alocasia Amazonica on a regular basis. This is a hybrid of rain forest specimens and requires damp (not muddy) conditions to prosper. Like many Alocasia sp., if planted out doors Alocasia Amazonica will often go dormant when the temperatures drop below 12.75C (55 degrees F) and you may not see it for some months until spring and warmer weather returns. In most cases the specimen will grow again once the temperatures rise and stabilize again. The specimen will not tolerate a freeze! Due to the genetics of the parent species in many cases these hybrids go dormant even when grown in a home and may stay underground for multiple years. The plant is still alive as long as the tuber is solid and as long as it is in tact the plant will eventually come back to life. The dormancy period is not well understood and some specimens may skip dormancy completely but in most cases is normal. If dormancy begins there is nothing you can do other than allow the plant to complete the natural cycle since the cause is largely genetically based. The stalks that support each leaf are correctly known as petioles, not stems. This link explains the difference in the stem and the petiole: What is a stem?
Recent reports from knowledgeable
field botanists
indicate the true parent species are often found growing in very bright light, almost
direct sunlight. If grown in too low light the Alocasia often looses much of
its green color on the adaxial (upper) surface of the leaf and becomes almost
black. In low room light, especially without water, the specimen is
likely to
simply droop, loose the color, and die a slow death. Alocasia
Amazonica will grow well in medium filtered light but may not stay as
happy as it will in brighter lighting.
As a house plant, keep it near a bright window. If you wish to
grow Alocasia Amazonica in direct, or near direct sunlight,
this plant
can require a great deal of water. Full sun may not be
advisable in some areas where the summer sun is extremely hot and
brilliant. The specimen can stand
as tall as 4 feet but typically is only 2 to 3 feet in height. The
leaves can be impressive. Growers where the parent plants are native indicate
they will
reach a more impressive height in bright light.
A mixture of approximately 30% soil,
20% peat, 40% orchid bark with charcoal , 10% Perlite and some finely
cut and shredded sphagnum moss works well.
My mixes are not meant to be a precise "formula" since all you need do
is to try to match decomposing forest soil. Feel free to mix some mulch along with some good compost to the
mix. Keep the soil
evenly damp but not soggy at all times. It is important to
understand the parents of this plants often grow near water and enjoy
having their roots damp. Regardless of the advice on garden
websites do not allow your plant to dry out completely!
The information on this page
was researched through scientific sources and includes information from
some of the best aroid botanists and growers in the world. My thanks to Julius Boos,
Australian botanist Alistair Hay, Australian grower Mic
Pascal, Bill and Denis Rotolante of Silver Krome Gardens in Miami,
Julius Boos, John Banta,
Ferry in France,
Danny Hervelle
in Belgium and aroid botanist
Pete Boyce in Malaysia for their input. Alistair and Pete
are the top Alocasia experts in the world having worked in the
field with these species for many years. Each is responsible for
locating and describing many new Alocasia species to science.
Want to learn more about
Alocasia species? Please read A review of Alocasia
(Araceae: Colocasieae) for Thailand including a novel species and new
species records from South-West Thailand by Peter C. Boyce.
Aroid Pollination!