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New: Understanding, pronouncing and using Botanical terminology, a Glossary Anthurium sagittatum (Sims) G. Don
Anthurium sagittatum (Sims) G. Don
Synonyms: Anthurium
rubrinervium, Anthurium aeranthe, Anthurium alienatum,
Published to science in 1839 by Scottish botanist George Don (1798 to 1856) in Hortus Britannicus
#633, Anthurium
is placed in Anthurium section Cardiolonchium. Section
Cardiolonchium is characterized by a velutinous (velvety) sheen to the
leaf blades. The scientific term
Anthurium sagittatum is found largely in most of Colombia and Ecuador but also grows in the rain forests of Peru ranging from the Amazonas region to Loreto and Madre de Dios as well as in western and northern Brazil, Suriname, Guiana, French Guiana and almost certainly Venezuela. Anthurium sagittatum has been found in nature at elevations ranging from 110 to as high as 3100 meters (330 to over 10,000 feet) above sea level but is observed more frequently at lower elevations ranging from 100 to 1500 meters (325 to 5,000 feet). This Anthurium species is not known to grow epiphytically on the branches of trees but instead often grows in groups as a terrestrial species in both primary and virgin rain forests. Anthurium sagittatum is frequently found along trails, roads, rocky cliff banks and especially along the banks of streams and rivers. The species appears to prefer somewhat shadowy wet places in subtropical forests and is sometimes found in depressions and swampy areas. In Ecuador Anthurium sagittatum is reported to be commonly observed in three fourths to full shade but never in full sun. The name "sagittatum" originates from the botanical term sagittate which indicates a leaf that is "arrow shaped". It is possible the species grows as a hemiepiphyte (hem-a-EPA-fit) (a species that begins life in the soil and then climbs a tree) but scientific documentation cannot be located by this author to support that possibility. The photo to the left of Anthurium sagittatum by Elizabeth Campbell was taken near Mera, Ecuador traveling towards Llanganates Bajo in Pastaza province. The specimen is approximately 1100 meters (3,600 feet) above sea level and is fully terrestrial growing beside a gravel road in a drainage ditch of standing water.
Since early botanists did not have access to the scientific records and computers we have available today they sometimes granted multiple new names to the same species. All the names listed as synonyms at the top of this page have been published as a unique scientific species but all have now been sunk into synonymy under the originally published name Anthurium sagittatum. A synonym is simply the same species published with a new name after the original scientific name was published. In botany the first published name becomes the accepted name and all other published names for that same plant become synonyms. Science does not simply change names as is sometimes believed by plant collectors but instead relies on the rules of botany to grant the first properly published name to be the accepted scientific name. Based on the Linnean rules of nomenclature established by Swedish physician, zoologist and botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) the scheme of binomial nomenclature (two names composed of the correct genus followed by a species name) has a precise set of rules that must be followed in order to determine the proper name for any species. As can be observed, some of the names originally used were published with the wrong genus. The system Linnaeus devised defines the kingdom, phylum, class, genus, and species of any living organism. One of the most basic rules of taxonomy is the earliest published scientific name correct to genus becomes the accepted name. In this case the accepted species name is Anthurium sagittatum which was published in 1839.
All Anthurium
species possess
a collective vein which runs near the edge of the blade.
The collective vein along with the geniculum (see below) are primary characteristics used to determine if a specimen is or is not an Anthurium. Genera such as Philodendron do not possess either a collective vein nor a geniculum while other aroid genera may collect one or the other.
The stem is the part of the
plant that forms buds, petioles (thus leaves), roots, and the peduncles that support
an inflorescence (thus
flowers). The stem (photo, right) is the main axis of the plant and is the plant's base
which provides support.
Although the majority of the
stem grows above ground portions may also exist beneath the
surface. The purpose of the stem is to collect and store water and nutrients
which are absorbed by the specimen's roots. The roots grow (along with the petioles) from the nodes along
the stem's length. In many
Anthurium species those roots never touch the
soil but
dangle in the air since many species grow suspended on the trunk or limbs of
The petioles of Anthurium sagittatum are tinged violet-purple and are "D" shaped plus faintly ribbed on the upper surface (adaxially). The description "D" shaped refers to the petiole when viewed as having been cut as a cross section. Once cut the upper surface can be seen as flat while the balance of the petiole is terete (round) making it appear as a capital letter D, That upper surface is both somewhat flattened and sulcate. The botanical term sulcate may indicate either a channel that runs along the upper surface of the petiole or fine parallel grooves that run along that surface. The petioles are angular winged and may possess as many as 8 wings (see photo, above right). The base of the petioles are tinged reddish brown and are sharply 3 ribbed but may also have 4 to 5 sides as they intersect the stem. The petioles may also be striate which indicates they possess parallel lines (not grooves) that run along the petiole's axis (length).
All Anthurium
species possess an organ known to botanists as a geniculum (see
photo, below left). The word originates from the scientific term geniculate
which means to be bent sharply like a knee. The geniculum is found at the petiole's apex
(top) just beneath the connection to the blade and is normally slightly larger than the
diameter of the petiole. The geniculum
often appears as if it were a
a slightly swollen "gland" and on Anthurium
sagittatum is somewhat lighter in coloration. The geniculum acts
as a knee or elbow and permits the leaf to rotate and change its orientation in
order to better
collect light. In the majority of Anthurium
species the geniculum is easily observed but in a few it is
The cataphylls are bract-like modified leaves that surround any
newly emerging leaf blade and its petiole. The purpose of
the cataphyll is primarily to protect the new leaf
as it develops, The cataphylls of Anthurium sagittatum are
bluntly ribbed once they emerge and
are semi persistent as well as split in half once they age. The cataphylls
of Anthurium sagittatum are
are triangular lanceolate in shape.
Triangular lanceolate indicates the cataphylls are both triangular and lance
shaped as in the shape of a knife. They then age to a
tannish brown coloration (see photo, right) and persist at the base of the
petiole for a period of time before finally becoming deciduous and dropping
from the plant. Many people believe the spathe is a "flower" which is incorrect. The spathe is a modified leaf whose purpose is to protect the spadix at the center of the inflorescence during development. When sexually mature there are tiny flowers found along the spadix but the spathe is not a flower. Aroids are divided into two basic reproductive sections or groups. The first produces a bisexual inflorescence with male and female flowers mixed together along the length of the spadix. The second is known as the unisexual group and includes those aroids that produce an inflorescence with bisexual flower zones. Anthurium species are bisexual.
At female anthesis when the female flowers are produced the spadix produces female receptive flower parts followed by sexually active male and sterile flowers. The flowers are almost microscopic and since they are bisexual grow mixed together in a single flower all along the spadix. If the female flowers are pollinated by an appropriate insect which is normally a beetle from the genus Cyclocephala that carries pollen from another specimen at male anthesis the spadix will begin to grow berries. In many Anthurium species it is possible for the plant to self pollinate and it is theorized the wind may play a part in self pollination. These pollinators are drawn to the plant since it produces a "perfume" known as an pheromone once it reaches anthesis. The beetles can detect the pheromone from distances as great as 200 meters (600 feet) away and fly a zig-zag pattern through the forest to locate its source since the wind does not follow a straight-line path through the forest. Along with a mate the beetles are drawn by both the fragrance and the heat of both thermogenesis (heat rise) and the "glow" of infrared heat which the beetles can "see" with their antennae in the dark. The beetles are also drawn to the inflorescence since the pollen being produced is a food source in the form of lipid protein. For more detailed information on how aroid species reproduce please read this link: Aroid pollination The Inflorescence of Anthurium sagittatum is normally erect but may be re-curved as can be seen in our photos . The spathe is papyraceous (paper-like) and persists (does not quickly fall off) when in fruit. The spathe is ribbed and is green to yellowish green and may be tinged purplish as it ages. The spathe is also matte on the inside and is spreading in shape. The spathe may be tinged reddish purple and is weakly glossy on the outside. The spadix is a medium to pale yellow green and is semi glossy but may change to purplish as it matures. Joep states that Anthurium sagittatum specimens are often in flower in French Guiana and once pollinated produce deep purple berries (fruit) which contain the seeds of the species. Once pollinated the inflorescence is then known as an Infructescence. The berries are rounded to obovate (oval and to oblong) and are eaten by birds and other rain forest animal which spread the seeds through the rain forest in their droppings.
Within the genera Euglossini there are some 200 Neotropical bee species known as either "Orchid Bees" or Euglossine bees Five genera are known to be found exclusively in Neotropical America (South and Central America). The bees are characterized by a very long tongue and the behavior of the males of a species is known to be drawn to the pheromones (fragrances) from many flowers and other objects such as dead wood. These bees store what they collect on their modified hind legs. Bees in the genera Euglossini include vividly colored bees with colorations of metallic blue, greens and bronzes and the bee species are known to serve as orchid pollinators in South American rain forests. Utilizing their long tongues which measure up to 4 cm (1.6 inches) in length these bees are known to pollinate close to 700 species of tropical orchids. These bee species are are common in lowland forests where the majority of Anthurium sagittatum specimens are found.
However other experts are convinced these bees may only be
drawn to the pheromone of Anthurium species and in fact only infrequently
pollinate aroid species. An observation of any insect visiting a
particular plant species requires careful study before any scientific
conclusions can be drawn.
Although other references can be found indicating Euglossine bees are primary pollinators of Anthurium species it is well known that many Anthurium sp. are capable of self pollination and an insect simply walking along the spadix may transfer pollen from the male flowers to the female flowers. Casual pollination is not the same as a primary pollinator. To bring some clarity to this subject I asked my friend French aroid pollination expert Dr. Marc Gibernau (GHEE-ber-no) of the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France if Euglossine bees were involved in Anthurium pollination. Marc responded, "Euglossine bees are primary pollinators of many Anthurium but not all." He then continued ".... apparently some species may be beetle pollinated (curculionid weevils) and one species is suspected to be hummingbird pollinated. But pollination ecology in Anthurium is poorly documented". At the end he stated only 15 Anthurium species may be pollinated by bees. As a result of both Julius' and Marc's notes it may be premature to assume bees from the genera Euglossini are in fact a "primary pollinator" of very many Anthurium species at all. Certainly these bees do visit some Anthurium species but beetles from the genera of Cyclocephala are likely to be primary in the pollination process of the majority of Anthurium species. The jury is still out on this subject.
mention of Deni Bown's
book is a reference to her excellent text Aroids, Plants of the Arum Family
which is available at many book stores. For a better understanding of variation within plant species please click this link Natural variation within Aroid and other plant species. Looking for a specimen? Contact http:///
If you are seeking information on other rare
species, click on "Aroids and other genera in the Collection" at the top and look for
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