A few photos and just a bit about Steve Lucas
I now spend my time writing, creating easily understood botanical
articles for the Exotic Rainforest website, working on a table top book, proposing a large rain
forest exhibit at the Little Rock
Many of the underwater photos below were taken while on assignment for Skin Diver Magazine. The architectural aquarium photos were done for a company in South Florida that produces living coral reef aquariums selling for $20,000 to $100,000 per system and more for mega-million dollar homes, offices, theme parks and hotels. I have been privileged to author more than 300 nationally published magazine articles on travel, photography, scuba diving, tropical plants, birds and other subjects which have appeared on the pages of numerous magazines. In 1993 I was among the first group of divers in the world honored to receive the Scuba Schools International Platinum Pro 5000 dive card for logging over 5000 scuba dives. To date, there have been less than 1000 of those cards issued worldwide. Now retired, I spend most of my time in our Exotic Rainforest learning about exotic rare plants simply for my own enjoyment! The female diver in silhouette below and two other photos is my wife Janice. The pair of female divers are my wife Janice and oldest daughter Stephanie. Below the underwater photos and some of my catalogue and commercial work is one of several promotional pieces I once mailed to prospective clients before my retirement. The photo of the three ladies on chase lounges was created for a swim suit manufacturer but once graced the cover of Petersen Photographic Magazine, was used by a cruise line as a promotional piece, and appeared in more than one major ad campaign. I regret that almost all the photos below were scanned from printed material rather than from the original photographs. Large format film simply won't fit in my film scanner!
Steve All photographs are the copyright property of Steve Lucas and may not be used without permission.
All Photographs © 1985 to 2010 Steve Lucas
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