Supporting plant
growers..........and plant scientists!
Have questions for the experts? The International Aroid Society is on
on Facebook
Don't know what an aroid is?
Scroll down! Chances are you've grown them!

Want to meet new plant friends?
Looking for sources for rare tropical species?
Consider joining the International Aroid Society!
Popular Aroid genera include Anthurium, Philodendron, Alocasia,
Colocasia, Amorphophallus, Calla Lily, Spathiphyllum
and many more! Aroids are easily recognized by the production of a
spathe and spadix known as an inflorescence.
International Aroid Society
Supporting plant
growers..........and plant scientists!
Give a plant lover an
membership !
If you have questions for the officers and directors of the IAS
please check this link:
If you have general aroid questions or
wish to form a local IAS chapter please
send your request to
Steve Lucas, IAS Corresponding Secretary:
For information on becoming a part of the Mid America
Chapter of the International Aroid Society contact:
Zach DuFran
For information on the US West Coast IAS
Chapter contact:
Christopher Rogers
Learn more
about the plants you grow by joining
International Aroid Society!
International Aroid Society is a nonprofit organization which supports aroid
and horticulture through publications, awards, events and the IAS website.

What is an Aroid?
Many of the most popular collectable plant species in the
rain forest are aroids.
is the common name for the 3300 plant species which are members of the
family Araceae. Aroids include all Philodendron,
Anthurium, Alocasia, Spathiphyllum (Peace Lilies), Colocasia, Calla Lily, Caladium, Amorphophallus
and many other exquisitely spectacular species. The beautiful and often
bizarre combination of ornate
foliage with the
of an inflorescence known as a spathe and spadix distinguishes
an aroid species.
Aroids are among the
most loved and frequently grown house plants in the world!
Dedicated to collectors and the science of the plants we love, the
International Aroid Society is over 32 years old and it's
journal Aroideana is scientifically recognized. The goal of the
IAS is to support the preservation and scientific study of the
species we grow but make the information available to any plant enthusiast.
Your IAS membership will support the study pf the world's delicate
rain forest habitats as well as the introduction of species previously
unknown to both science and plant collectors. The IAS and its
membership can also assist collectors to locate
unusual specimens through a variety of resources.
Join the IAS and learn more about the plants in your collection
while meeting others with the same interests! Members of the International Aroid Society receive a quarterly electronic newsletter, an annual copy of Aroideana, and
a have access to many of the on-line databases of the International Aroid
not available to the general public. Plus, you'll want to attend the
IAS Show and Sale held each September at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
in Miami, FL!
Join the IAS now!

The link below takes you directly
to the
International Aroid Society website.
The link to join the IAS is on the
of the IAS home page.
Membership in the International Aroid Society Includes
an annual
copy of the journal Aroideana which is the official publication of the IAS. four quarterly
color electronic newsletters as well as access to the member's
section of the expansive IAS website. Other advantages include a 10%
on plants from featured aroid sellers and access to the IAS Trading Post
where you can trade
for aroids you don't already grow! Sometimes you can get them just for
the postage!
Aroideana is Edited by Dr. Derek Burch
with scientific editor Dr. Thomas B. Croat of the Missouri Botanical
Garden. Aroideana includes articles of interest to plant

You can also join an
on-line discussion with aroid botanists, growers and experts around the world by
signing up as a participant
of Aroid l (L). Some of the world's top
aroid botanists and collectors participate in the discussions.
With Aroid l
it's easy to find accurate answers to all your aroid questions on
Philodendron, Anthurium, Colocasia, Alocasia, Spathiphyllum, Xanthosoma, Caladium,
Amorphophallus and any other genera within the family Araceae.
Just ask!
Participation in Aroid l is
open to anyone interested in aroid culture.
You don't have to join the IAS to participate!
For information how to join the Aroid l discussion group or to

The International Aroid Society! We're here to help you find answers.
Simply use the SECURE PayPal link found under Join IAS
