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ex Regel
Philodendron melinonii Brongn. ex Regel
Quite often Philodendron species just don't match the "expected" description of the genus. If you read many of the posts on various garden websites you'll find numerous discussions which will lead you to believe all Philodendron sp. are small vines which trail out of a pot on a kitchen or bathroom counter. Sorry, but this one won't fit!
In early 2007 Dutch naturalist Joep Moonen (pronounced yupe), who takes adventurers into the rain forests of French Guiana and
Suriname in the northeastern portion of South America, sent me an
interesting small Philodendron specimen along with the legal
permits. That specimen had a
single small leaf which was quite thick (see the original plant
![]() Philodendron melinonii is both terrestrial and epiphytic. An epiphytic species is one capable of growing on the branch of a tree or climbing a tree in to better collect sunlight. In nature the species Philodendron melinonii is found growing high in the canopy perched out on the limb of a tree. The undersides of the juvenile leaf blades of the species were reddish in color which morph into a matte green as the species matures. Dr. Croat pointed out in one of his notes, "Philodendron melinonii Brongn. ex Regel, a distinctive species with cordate blades and placed by Krause in P. sect. Macrolonchium, is in my opinion, not related to either of the sections with lobed leaves." A cordate blade is one that is more or less "heart shaped". ![]()
Jonathan Ertelt who is an educator,
tropical plant specialist and university greenhouse manager in Tennessee, directed me to one of the first
really good sources of information on this species when he sent this note,
"If you
have the back issues of Aroideana, or can get someone with easy scanning
capabilities to scan it, Tom talks about P. melinonii in Aroideana 9
(1-4), 1986, pp 130-132."
Jonathan was referring to botanist Dr. Tom Croat of the
Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. Dr. Croat often provides
information to the Aroid l group and assists with my searches for plant information.
But Tom
had just left for a two month collecting and research trip to Ecuador. I
immediately dug out the issue of Aroideana to which Jonathan had
referred. Aroideana is the annual journal of the International Aroid
Society and is included in your membership in the society along
with the quarterly newsletter. If you are
not a member of the IAS, a link with information on how to join can be found at the
bottom of this page, or the top of the homepage of this website.
Volume 9 is one of the richest issues
ever printed since it contains a
detailed article by Dr. Croat entitled "The
Araceae of Venezuela". That issue is one every aroid
collector/grower should possess. A link to information on how to a copy is
also at the end of this article.
Dr. Croat pointed out the aroid is
relatively common in northern South America. It is typically found at
elevations above 1000 meters (3000 feet) in Venezuela but at much lower
elevations, (approximately 250 meters, or 800 feet) in French Guiana.
Near the Manaus area of Brazil, Dr. Croat found the species to be
extremely common. Common to the point of being a dominant epiphytic species.
Tom reported he suspected the species to be much more widespread than
previously reported in other scientific information. Of interest to this collector, despite the fact
it is common in the northern portions of South America, it still has
apparently not garnered a great deal of interest among North American
Philodendron collectors. It is quite rare within private
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Jonathan also made available this interesting
observation/information regarding P. melinonii,
"I was able to find a map of an epiphyte-covered tree that I built
and planted at UNC Charlotte, and it was P. melinonii that I had growing
almost like a crown from the top of this tree. Wonderfully large leaves,
although not gigantic by aroid standards, and with very short internodes
so it was almost more like a huge rosette up there. Given the side of a
tree to climb up, I'm sure it would have. But it was fine as it was too,
and then started throwing those great adventitious roots out and then
down the sides of the tree it was very effective."
And noted Miami aroid collector
Ron Weeks provided this observation,
"Since the first day I saw
it Philodendron melinonii has been one of my favorite plants. I have
five very large specimens. The two largest have spreads over eight
feet. I have good photos of the plant, inflorescence, seed and
seedlings." Ron advised he will soon be
posting new photos on the International Aroid Society website
The leaves, petioles and
spread of
Philodendron melinonii can become quite large. From Leland's description
alone (also compare the size of Enid's arm and body to the leaf in her
photo above, left), both the petiole and leaf can each reach at least 28 inches in length
(approximately 70cm). The ruler in Leland's photo is four feet long!
And as was stated by both
In a separate email message, Leland
provided this additional information regarding Philodendron melinonii,
"I think a good
characteristic to point out is that the abaxial, or lower surface of the
leaf blades, exhibit prominent veins. The adaxial or upper surface is
smooth in comparison. Also, the color of the undersides of the leaves
changes with maturity. There is a reddish tint to the undersides of the
blades of immature plants, but this disappears in older specimens. One
of the attractive features of this plant is the point of attachment of
the leaf blade and petiole...it is really distinct with the reddish
color of the petiole defining the limit of the petiole. There are also
scattered dark spots on the petioles and leaf blades. I am in
agreement with Ron Weeks...this plant is one of my favorites too."
Dr. Croat pointed out in his
Aroideana article the petioles of Philodendron melinonii were
somewhat spongy to the touch
Instead of supporting the leaf blades
the stem is the base or axis of the plant.
The stem of any
Philodendron has nodes at fairly regular
intervals and the petioles as well as the roots and peduncle which supports
an inflorescence grow from those nodes
along the stem's length. The stem segments which separate the nodes
are known as internodes.
When a new petiole grows from a node it is surrounded by a cataphyll which is a bract-like modified leaf that surrounds and protects the new leaf as it develops. A cataphyll is any foliar organ that has no differentiation between the petiole and the blade. The cataphyll is the singular most important identifying characteristic of an aroid due to its very unique shape. Once the cataphylls of Philodendron melinonii dry they remain on the plant as persistent fibers. All Philodendron species are members of the larger plant family known as Araceae, commonly called aroids. An aroid is a plant that reproduces via the production of an inflorescence which in aroids is known to science as a spathe and spadix. Some believe the spathe is a "flower" which is incorrect. The spathe is simply a modified leaf appearing to be appear as a hood and is sometimes shaped like a tube. When an aroid is referred to as "flowering" the reference is to the very small flowers found on the spadix and has nothing to do with the spathe. Within the inflorescence there are extremely small flowers found on the spadix during anthesis (sexual reproduction). The spadix is found at the center of the inflorescence. When ready to reproduce, the spadix produces both male, female and sterile flowers and if the female flowers are pollinated with pollen brought by an appropriate insect (normally a beetle) from another plant which is at male anthesis they will produce berries containing seeds. The female flowers are hidden from view inside the floral chamber at the bottom of the spathe in Philodendron species. Due to natural variation within the species Philodendron melinonii the spathe tube is white on the inside but may be greenish aging to reddish on the exterior of the spathe tube.
In one scientific paper
entitled "Flowering and Pollination of
Philodendron melinonii (Araceae) in French
I found this interesting observation regarding
the pollination of the species,
"The pollination ecology of Philodendron melinonii was studied at
two locations in French Guiana. Inflorescences of P. melinonii were
regularly visited by Cyclocephala colasi, a scarab beetle also found in
inflorescences of P. solimoesense in the same area."
For additional information regarding how beetles pollinate aroid species
please read this and the related link found on the following page:
pollination Philodendron
Typically, the seeds of epiphytic species are distributed by birds or rain forest animals that eat the berries containing seeds produced on a pollinated spadix. In the case of Philodendron melinonii, Joep indicated in a recent email, insects also contribute to the species' distribution. Joep wrote he had observed photographs of, "ants carrying the seeds of Philodendron melinonii away near Saut Mapao on the Approuague river in French Guiana". He commented further regarding the species in an email to Julius Boos, "Philodendron melinonii is a real epiphyte. The seed is likely dropped at a branch or tree trunk and develops right there to adult plants. Fat petioles (some times red in color), yellowish fruits that are carried away by ants." Regardless of how it gets from from tree to tree in the wild, Philodendron melinonii is going to make one fabulous centerpiece in the collection once it matures. ![]()
Philodendron species are
known to be highly variable and not every leaf of every specimen
will always appear the same. This link explains in
non-technical language natural variation and
morphogenesis within aroids and other species.
Click here. If you would enjoy spending time with an extremely knowledgeable expert guide in a rain forest filled with exotic creatures and extremely rare exotic plant species, Joep Moonen (pronounced yupe) also enjoys introducing people like you to the rain forests of northeast South America. The Emerald Jungle Village website can be found at: http://home.planet.nl/~gumamaus/ For eco-tour information and a brochure contact Joep Moonen (pronounced yupe) directly at EmeraldJungleVillage@wanadoo.fr
Out of print copies of Aroideana can often be ordered directly from the International Aroid Society: http://www.aroid.org/ Want to learn more
about aroids?