Monstera deliciosa Liebm.
Monstera deliciosa Liebm.
Two published variations:
Monstera deliciosa variation borsigiana (Engl.)
Monstera deliciosa var sierrana
Sometimes sold incorrectly as Philodendron pertusum
Common names: Mexican
Breadfruit, Fruit Salad
Plant, Swiss Cheese Plant,
and incorrectly "Split Leaf Philodendron" This species is not a Philodendron. Although similar in shape, this species is not Rhaphidophora tetrasperma See the text for an explanation
But then the
internet began to offer another name: "Philodendron pertusum"
and the internet has totally convinced many average collectors the little green (sometimes artificially variegated) plant is a totally different and new plant!
The so called Philodendron pertusum" is nothing more than a
juvenile form of Monstera deliciosa but no amount of
scientific proof is ever going to convince many of those collectors of that fact. Many collectors just love to
believe what they read on internet plant discussion groups and
will continue to believe their little juvenile "Philodendron"
can't possibly be the same plant as the big leaf plant with
holes in their leaves known to science as Monstera deliciosa.
The recent movie
Avatar by famed director James Cameron contains a now famous
line which I absolutely love,
"We have
tried to teach the sky people but it is hard to fill a cup that
is already full." I
have now personally all but given up on those few collectors who
bits and fragments of information on the internet plant chat
sites to be "expert"
information. If you have already accepted the plant to
the right above is a Philodendron and not a juvenile Monstera
deliciosa you will likely find the rest of the photos and
information on this page of no use. The photo to the right
(above) is in fact the juvenile leaf of Monstera deliciosa.
Now look at the
other end of the petiole. If you have a leaf that recently
opened you will notice it grew out of an adjacent petiole.
At the base of the petiole that the new leaf emerged from see if
you can find "wings". Those "wings" are petiolar sheaths
and serve the same purpose as a cataphyll on many plants. As Monstera
deliciosa matures it will begin to produce the new leaves
from cataphylls. A
cataphyll is a bract-like modified leaf which surrounds any
newly developing leaf to protect an emerging blade as it
Now look at the length of
the petiole. Do you see a groove running down the
petiole's upper surface? This groove is known as a sulcus
or the petiole is canaliculate. As the petioles mature they
will begin to flatten near the apex where the petiole joins the
geniculum. This is all the nature of the
ontogeny or natural changes of the species. Just like
people change as they mature, plants change as they grow.
If you find a
geniculum, petiolar sheaths, and the canaliculate petiole the
chances are extremely high you have a juvenile Monstera
deliciosa or a related species of Monstera. These
features combined with the leaf margins beginning to cut into
the blade are all but a dead giveaway. There are
many other differences in a Monstera and a
Philodendron but you will have to wait for the plant to
mature to see them all. Still, if I quoted all this
information verbatim from a scientific text some now reading
this will go back to their internet plant chat forum and declare
all this information to be invalid. It is just the nature
of collecting plants and the tendency to believe what you read
on the internet.
The juvenile form of
Monstera deliciosa looks nothing like the adult form and
only a few years of additional growth will ever teach most of
the growers that have already accepted intenet fiction the facts.
Only time can force that change. The reason is a common
thing that happens to many plants, especially those that are
tropical, known as ontogeny and natural variation which will be
explained later.
Despite commonly
held belief, the species Monstera deliciosa is a tree climber,
just look at the photos on this page.
The large
leaf favorite
with holes in it's leaves resembling Swiss cheese is very easy
to grow and will live well even as a
house plant or in the yard
if you are fortunate enough to live in a semi-tropical climate.
To a scientist those "holes" are known as fenestrations from the
Latin word for window. But if you elect to grow this plant in a
pot, give it a big one with porous soil that does not
remain soggy!
Be aware this species is variable and not every leaf of every plant will look exactly
the same! As a result, expect to see several different leaf
shapes and sizes. A link which better explains variation
within plant species is located near the bottom of this page.
Monstera deliciosa was the very first plant
ever profiled in the International Aroid Society journal
Aroideana, Volume 1, number 1, in May, 1978. A
subscription to Aroideana is included with your annual
membership. For
information on joining the International Aroid Society (IAS),
Join the IAS
The species
Monstera deliciosa originates in Mexico in the state of Oaxaca.
The species is not as commonly seen in the wild as in cultivation.
M, deliciosa is
often found growing near water at elevations ranging from
1,525 to 2,135 meters (5,000 to 7,000 feet) and has heavily coriaceous (leathery) leaves.
It is native
primarily to the
forests of both
Oaxaca and Veracruz but is also found south
through Central America into Ecuador and Peru. Some of the specimens found in
Central America have smaller leaf blades and include Monstera deliciosa var. borsigiana (Engl.)
and Monstera deliciosa var. sierrana. The
shortened form of variation is "var".
when mature does the plant produce the cream colored spathe. All
aroids, including Monstera deliciosa, are
Monstera differ from Philodendron species since all
Monstera produce perfect flowers containing both male and
female organs while Philodendron produce imperfect flowers
containing only a single sex. When an
Monstera is "in flower" the reference is to the tiny flowers
containing both pefect male and female sexual parts that grow on the spadix
at the center of the inflorescence. To help prevent self pollination nature has
designed the female flowers to be receptive before the male portion of
the flower
produce their pollen so in most cases an insect must bring pollen from
another plant. For more information on the sexual reproduction of
any aroid click the pollination link below. However,
self pollination is possible.
The spathe
(right) measures approximately 25.5cm (10 inches) and the spadix at the
center measures up to approximately 17.75cm (7 inches) before
the fruit begins to develop. Once pollinated, the spadix
begins to swell and
In all
its natural range the fruit is commonly consumed. The ripening
process takes close to 10 months from the time the spathe is
first seen. The fruit tastes very much like pineapple mixed with
strawberry. Before the fruit ripens the spathe will
completely fall away. The spadix at the left
(below) is
not ripe and will be ready to eat in several more months from
the date of this photo (7/08). This spadix already
stands 24cm (9.5 inches) above the peduncle which is at the base of
the spadix. The photo (below, ) shows the spadix
If you have read on
the internet that all Philodendron and Monstera
sp. and their fruit are poisonous, I am proof this one is not.
My family eats every fruit that
matures on our plants. Some
scientific sources report there is as much of the chemical
compound that is supposedly "poisonous" in spinach as in this
plant. Just don't try to eat the leaves! However, if
you or a family member is known to be sensitive to calcium
oxalate crystals, caution should be used. It is possible
to cut the peduncle which is the support of the spadix just
prior to ripening and allow it to fully ripen in a controlled
situation. Aroid expert Leland Miyano offers this
information and a caution,
or buy a mature fruit. It should be green and firm and there
should be a slight separation between the scales near the
peduncle. Wrap the fruit in a brown paper bag or aluminum foil.
Do not attempt to eat it until the little green plates or scales
of the rind begin to fall off. When the remaining plates are
very easy to remove, it can be eaten. The inedible core should
just pull away.
Some people are sensitive to the calcium oxalate,
even in fully ripe fruit. If you have never eaten Monstera
deliciosa or are sensitive...caution is advised."
I ![]()
Although found on
the internet as
Philodendron pertusum, that name is not applicable
within science to this species. The name appears to be
poor copy of Monstera pertusam, a synonym of
Monstera adansonii,
(click the highlighted link to see that plant).
Monstera adansonii is not the same as
Monstera deliciosa. Monstera pertusum is also a
non-scientific name, simply one someone made up. The scientific
name Monstera pertusa can be located on TROPICOS (a
service of the Missouri Botanical Garden) but is not associated
with the species Monstera deliciosa.
So how should you
grow aroids such as Monstera deliciosa? If you
could visit a rain forest you would quickly learn the soil is
composed of leaf litter, decaying wood, compost, animal
droppings and the charcoal left behind when a part of the forest
burns. If we'll just listen to Mother Nature we can all make our
plants grow as they do in nature. That is precisely what I
attempt to explain when I recommend mixing soil, not just buying
a bag at the store. Over time we've arrived at a soil mixture
for most of our aroid species which duplicates the rain forest.
We use this mixture on the advice of the aroid keepers at the
Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. The goal of this mix is
to allow the roots to freely find places to extend and grow
without constantly finding wet places where they will rot. This
mix will remain damp but drain quickly and as you can see from
the photo above will make the plants thrive.
Rather than using a rich, soggy soil and watering only once a week (or less), use a soil that holds moisture well but drains quickly. With the help of botanical garden researchers we've developed a soil mixture for most of our rain forest species that works great. People who visit our artificial rain forest are often amazed at the size of many of our specimens that grow much faster and larger than they often do in a home. ![]() We grow many different aroid species in this basic mixture and some of our specimens have reached their adult or near adult size and regularly produce a spathe and spadix (inflorescence). The goal of our mixture is to cause the water to flow through the soil quickly, remain slightly damp, but never soggy. The roots of our plants attach to the bark just as they do in nature on the side of a tree. Most growers call a mix similar to the one we use a "jungle mix". ![]()
Some collectors also
confuse Rhaphidophora
species and believe they are a
small form of Monstera delicosa. Aroid
botanist P.C. "Pete" Boyce, who teaches and works in the
Malaysian rain
forests near Singapore, offered this information on the aroid
forum Aroid l regarding the
name Rhaphidophora pertusa, an Asian species with a
similar leaf appearance to Monstera delicosa, "most
plants in cultivation labeled as R. pertusa are actually R.
tetrasperma. In fact, I have very seldom seen true R. pertusa
cultivated and never seen it in European or US collections."
(See photo right) You can see Rhaphidophora tetrasperma
species Monstera delicosa was first published
to science in Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk
Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn in 1849. An
epiphyte (ep-a-FIT), the
species is quite capable of climbing a tree despite internet
posts which claim this species is not a climber. The
scientific description points out the species is truly epiphytic
which means it can grow upon another plant such as a tree. The leaves emerge
from a petiolar sheath.
Monstera deliciosa has proven to be variable and not every leaf of every plant will look exactly alike! Some sources estimate as many as one out of every eight plant species on earth have natural variations. In addition to variability juvenile specimens undergo an enormous amount of change in exactly the same way as any child changes from a baby to age two. Then the child continues to change from age two to the time they become a teenager and finally an adult.. Those changes are known as ontogeny and it happens all the time in both humans and plants. Leaves do not always look the same from one specimen to another. This link will give you an easy to understand explanation of the natural variation within plant species using many photographs. If you don't care to read the text, at least look at the photos. You will be very surprised: Natural Variation
More information about growing the related family Philodendron can be found here.
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